Douglas Strategic Media Arts and Daylight Comunications

Work Example: Save Health Care in Washington


Washington State’s uneven and too often inequitable revenue structure imperiled low-income families across the state seeking access to affordable health care. The state’s system of Community Health Centers was ready to deliver, but they needed to ratchet up their influence and effectiveness in the annual state budget battles. The situation was exacerbated by a lack of awareness — from state legislators to voters — of how lack of access to affordable care eventually inflicts pain and increases costs for everyone across the state. The Community Health Network tasked its team of consultants, including Daylight, to build a grassroots movement to increase funding for basic health care, lower Medicaid eligibility limits, and provide sustainability funding for Community Health Centers.

Solution and Outcome

Daylight worked with the Community Health Network team to turn what was an anemic advocacy effort into the most potent grassroots lobbying force of its time in Washington State — driven by nearly 40,000 citizen activists, many of whom had never been involved in political action. The project, Save Health Care in Washington (SHCW), is still active after more than 15 years. Daylight created and directed the first SHCW website, logo, and branding, and a multi-year, multi-channel advertising and advocacy campaign — utilizing TV, direct mail, email, and social media. All printed materials were provided in multiple languages. Success was made possible in many ways by an innovative qualitative voter research project, overseen by Daylight. Victories have included expanded coverage through Community Health Centers for children’s health, dental care, and behavioral health. Daylight continues to provide strategic consulting to Save Health Care in Washington.


  • Messaging strategy and development
  • Demographic targeting and media placement
  • Design, art direct, copywrite, develop, launch, maintain, and host website; infographic design (original site has been replaced)
  • Brand/logo design
  • TV, print, display, packaging, apparel and email advertising
  • Ongoing messaging and campaign framework
  • Directed print materials translation
  • Oversaw qualitative and quantitative voter research project
