“Always comes through”
In our 28 years you never have failed us with your creative genius. I can’t tell you how many positive comments I have received about how terrific your work is from my board members, congressional staff and the press. Every year you come up with amazing and original ideas and you set the bar a notch higher. I always look forward to working with you because of your incredible energy and creativity. Thanks again for always coming through for us. Your work for Advocates has been so beneficial to advancing our safety program and reputation as an effective and credible organization.
Jackie Gillan, President, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety
“Simply the best”
I’ve worked with Jamie Douglas on many different political, NGO, and business projects over many years and can say without any hesitation that he is simply the best. His strategic sense is highly developed, his ideas are thoughtful, and his execution and attention to detail are superb. I really can’t praise Jamie or his work highly enough.
Jamie Metzl, Founder and Chair, OneShared.World; Co-Chair, Partnership for a Secure America; Senior Fellow, the Atlantic Council; Former NSC, State Department official; World Health Organization expert advisory committee member on human genome editing
“Unique and compelling ideas”
Jamie Douglas has delivered a consistently high-level of thoughtful and creative work for many of our important causes. We always look forward to having him on our team. He quickly understands the challenges we face, proposes original suggestions and presents unique and compelling ideas that help us advance our message. I once used his brochure at a congressional hearing to demonstrate my concerns about triple trailer trucks. His visuals drove the point home better than my words.
Joan Claybrook, President Emeritus, Public Citizen
“By leaps and bounds”
Jamie is an excellent thought and strategy partner for anyone involved in politics and policy. He was key in helping us build and grow (by leaps and bounds) the largest grassroots health care movement in Washington over multiple years — Save Healthcare in Washington. He systematically helped us identify and understand our core activist base — low income patients — and also the intended audience for our messages — elected officials and the voting public.
Rebecca Kavoussi, Former Political Director, Community Health Network of Washington; Vice President, Integrator Services Organization at xG Health Solutions
“Tremendous asset”
Jamie possesses a superb combination of experience, strategic insight and creative talent, which was a tremendous asset in engaging our membership and advancing our causes. And he is always fun to work with. We were fortunate to have a consultant of his caliber on our side.
Mary Lindquist, President, Washington Education Association (former)
“Direct, honest and right”
Working with Jamie allowed us to take a big leap forward. With his advice and specific guidance, we moved from average messaging in multiple web sites to a completely coherent and unified online presence. Jamie’s consulting helped create a content and publishing strategy that continues to serve Latitude extremely well, five years after he initially partnered with us. As a result we’ve moved seamlessly to the next level, both on what we communicate and how it’s designed. His ability to cut right to the heart of the matter, seeing both problem and solution quickly, has been key. He’s always direct and honest; more important — he’s direct and honest and right, in ways that have created both short-term and long-term value for us.
Steve Mushkin, President and Founder, Latitude Research / Lumiere
“No one I trust more”
Jamie Douglas, through his words, images, and design, has a unique ability to create emotional responses tied to intellectual reason, and then turn those responses into action. His strategic understanding of how to move a consumer (whether it be voter, donor, or customer) to “purchase” one’s product is unmatched. There is no one I trust more to find, target, and execute that key. As a core member of your senior team, a consultant to your agency or as an advisor to the CEO, his creativity and focus will take your company to another level.
Ethan Strimling; former Mayor of Portland, Maine; Former Maine state senator; former CEO of LearningWorks
“Grateful to have him on my team”
Jamie Douglas did an amazing job with my website. He took my information and assembled it in a concise, powerful method that has helped me in all aspects of my career. I’m so grateful to have him on my team.
Jordan D Metzl, MD, Sports medicine physician, author, fitness instructor
“Extraordinarily spot on with strategy”
Jamie is a person that possesses a unique combination of right and left brain. Honestly, I’ve never worked with anyone like him that was both immensely creative while also extraordinarily spot on with strategy. Whether it’s a complex printed piece delivering tough messages, or a digital design aimed at appealing to multiple audiences, Jamie always delivers.
If one wanted to define the opposite of a one-trick pony I would say it’s Jamie. The depth and breadth of styles he can deliver and the various applications never ceased to amaze me. He has set the bar so high that I find myself not quite satisfied when working with other creative strategists. He’s consistent, conscientious and a consummate team player.
And, just as important is that Jamie is a great person. He’s fun and funny, easy going, super intelligent and I’ve never seen or heard him get rattled about anything. I also like that he’s willing to push back if he believes strongly in his ideas, but that doesn’t mean he won’t listen; it means he challenges, asks the tough questions and ultimately delivers an even better product because he doesn’t allow you to settle for “good enough.”
Debra Carnes, Former Director of Communications, Washington State Bar Association
“Smart, engaged and caring partner”
I was fortunate to find Jamie when I was looking to establish our online presence; I saw his work on another website and I reached out. By now our web site is up and has been in use and managed internally and I am delighted to share my experience working with Jamie — it has been fabulous! exceeded my expectations by far. Being that we are a young non profit we had a limited budget and I am in awe at how much Jamie was able to provide. Jamie is not just a web site developer, he offers the added value of a smart, engaged and caring partner and on top brings to the table an amazing insight about positioning and online marketing and messaging. I learned that I should voice any wish we had about how the web site should work, and he found a solution. Our web site keeps on winning praise from individuals as well as corporations and I can not be happier with my choice to work with Jamie.
Yariv Dolio Kafri, Supportersize Inc.
“The highest standards”
Jamie Douglas is simply the best at what he does. For 20 years, I have turned to Jamie and asked him to help me shape the message that tell my client’s stories in an authentic and compelling manger. Jamie has never let me down and, in fact, time and again, made our international and domestic projects highly successful and recognized by key funders and supporters. Jamie sets the highest standards for himself and puts all of his creativity and intelligence into his work. I enthusiastically recommend Jamie and am very grateful to him for being the star that he is.
Anthony Garrett, Public Affairs and Advocacy Strategist