Work Examples

Please click on a project below for further insight in to our work.

My Approach

I’m a communications strategist, writer and designer, but my approach is governed from my experience as a creative director and editor, with an eye for the complete package and overarching purpose — integrating design, writing, display and function — based on message and strategy.

My aim is to leverage the power of your story, methods, strategies and data to better engage your audiences. To do this, I will strive to keep things concise, clear and captivatingly graphic. Websites are first and foremost visual media, so one my primary goals will be to make your websites visually compelling — using photography, video, audio, infographics and interactivity as much as possible to support and compliment textual content.

My work style is honest, straightforward and anchored in open collaboration with you. My mission is to put my best professional recommendations forward in the clearest way possible so that, together, we can move your mission forward.